for the past month-ish i've been housesitting for some folks - and let me tell you, i'm going to be spoiled ROTTEN when i have to go back home/start renting an apartment/live anywhere but here. the house itself is a perfect mix between southern plantation home and williamsburg classic, not to mention that the grounds it sits on are like something out of a novel. it is complete with two dogs, two cats, a horse named gambler and a hammock swing under a very large, very picturesque oak. GAWGEOUS.
the ONLY (and i mean ONLY) drawback to living here is that i don't have internet (what? people live like that?) which makes it difficult to post things like sneak peeks and these posts. i also don't have my big computer that i use for editing, so it's been difficult getting photo-related things accomplished besides the actual photographing.
having given my excuse for being seriously MIA on the interwebz: i give to you..... THE FINCKS! summer, a fellow tribesman [hark!], contacted me a couple of months ago about the possibility of taking family portraits in richmond for her. i couldn't have been more excited, especially when she informed me that there would be lots of kids!! i. love. kids. probably more than i love chocolate. that's serious ya'll.
when everyone started getting out of their vans and SUVs, i have to admit... i was intimidated. there were SO many of them. but as soon as we started talking i relaxed, because these are some of the nicest folks i've ever met!! honestly, these kids are adorable and they have the sweetest dispositions and quirky personalities - i wish i could've spent more time with them!
summer asked me to meet them at grace lutheran church, where her father is a pastor. i got there early and explores a little :)
i had a feeling we'd end up here...
ok, let's just cut to the chase and meet the clan :) now, this is a lot of people. and to get everyone looking at me and smiling took some SERIOUS doing - i can't thank my extended-family of helpers who tagged along with the models enough.... THANK YOU!!!
aaannnddddd a few more individual family shots:

let the games begin :) this is drew, and he loveloveLOVEd to pose for me, but i think i like this picture the best just because he looks so uninhibitedly happy - he was smiling at summer!

future model? i think so.

precious much?

miss bella grace

this is luke, and for some reason this reminds me of the lion king... ssiiimmbbaaaa

this was taken as i was running backwards... so it's a little blurry unfortunately

yes. they brought balloons. favorite people ever? quite possibly.

thank you finck family!! ya'll are truly wonderful :)