caitlin elizabeth photography is all about capturing little moments in all their glory and recording history in the making; not the things you see printed in newspapers or broadcasted on national networks, but personal histories. love, joy, happiness, kindness, bliss. i want those in-between moments when couples aren't posing, they're loving - when siblings aren't smiling, they're laughing together - when families aren't pretending to have it all together, they're being their goofy, quirky, little-kids-with-their-shirts-untucked-and-ribbons-untied selves. caitlin elizabeth photography is all about the real, the unseen - because to me, that is beautiful.
so when you book a session, prepare to laugh and hang out for a couple of hours with the people you love, doing what you love. we can go for a bike ride, hot-air ballooning, ice-cream cone licking, corn maze dancing... anything goes. just get ready to have a good time while i follow you around with my little black box.
caitlin elizabeth photography services the hampton roads area, as well as rural southern virginia. but if i can drive there, or you want to meet me half way, that works too ;)