hey ya'll! this week my little brother is gone, so the house is eerily quiet... i've been filling the silence by submitting applications, snuggling up with summer reading (legal/tax mess about owning a small business, who needs it. oh wait - i do) and getting myself organized. as i was going through the bajillions of pictures i have on my external hard drive and making a valiant effort to put pictures in folders that actually made sense, i inadvertently found myself perusing and remembering all of the wonderful people i'm no longer with at william and mary.
so many folks helped me out when i was just getting started with this whole photography gig. they agreed to wear ridiculous things and let me drag them all around williamsburg. i basically forced them to hang out with me and let me take pictures of them while i was trying to figure out how to REALLY use my camera. this post is for ya'll: thank you.
gabby agreed to dress up and wear fairy wings. gotta love her.
pourin' on the HOT SAUCE. get it gurl.

kate (one of my recent TRIBE seniors) HATES feet. yet, she allowed me to photograph hers. that's love ya'll <3 these were taken while i was figuring out shutter speed. i think i asked kate to jump in this puddle about 20 times before i was satisfied with one of my shots... i can't say thank you enough!

terri was gracious enough to let me photograph her, but she also had to photograph me... the only words i can offer you for that terri: i'm so so sooooo sorry.

adrienne, one of my portrait portfolio subjects, is a natural beauty - not to mention tons of fun! thank you for trespassing, dancing, laughing and standing 4 feet from a moving train with me!
john enjoyed this shoot as much as i did - he likes his glamour shots ;) this first picture is one of my most favoritest pictures i've ever taken.

and i need to say that this next one has a story to go with it: i was knee deep in FREEZING cold water, couldn't feel my feet, and wearing only leggings and a long sleeve shirt because i didn't want my jeans or coat to get wet. so this picture also holds a special place in my heart :)

zara is precious and these pictures don't do her justice. but i love her. fun fact: there was a parade going on the day we took these pictures and people were STARING at us. fun fact #2: zara agreed to wear a tutu, black tights and my black hooter's shorts when it was FREEZING outside. needless to say - she put up with a lot that day and i don't know how she did it.

mel was also one of my TRIBE seniors and i just can't get enough of her. she tromped around campus with me while i hauled a huge bag of books to set up for the second shot. she is such a good sport :)
oh michael - how i love you. thank you for being a guinea pig while i figured out how to pose boys (since i was more accustomed to dealing with girls... i seriously struggle with figuring out how to take pictures of guys)
ps - i like your smile. and eyes.
these next few were taken when i was experimenting with shutter speed - thank you for being SUCH good sports about running around! brittany, stacy, hebbs and kate made this experiment incredibly enjoyable! someone said that if i had friends who were willing to do this for me then i had picked the right friends - i couldn't agree more. thank you!
this was my failed attempt at 'panning' - thanks for running around for me miss stacy :)

love, love, LOVE these ladies.
again, thanks ya'll. hope you're all doin well and having a fabulous time being amazing.
<3 caits
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