last week when i asked my boss if i could take off work early thursday/friday he said 'sure! why?' after i explained that i needed to set up and run my booth at the isle of wight county fair, he deemed me 'fair caitlin' for the rest of the week and sent me on my way with his blessings.
thank you mr. crook.
thursday: mama and pap-pap helped me set up (i was a happy girl - i got to use power tools :); fair was rained out due to a MASSIVE thunderstorm
friday: mama sat at the booth for most of the day while i worked and then i took her place around 4:00 p.m. - it rained some more
saturday: when i arrived at the fair to set up i realized my booth was flooded, BUT not to worry - will and i covered the soggy-bottomed booth with hay and everything was just dandy; it rained lots more (and it was cold); thankfully it stopped drizzling by the time jake owen performed... he was all kinds of amazing. ohmygoodness his VOICE. i can hardly handle it. makes me weak in the knees. for serious.
sunday: there was even. more. rain. HOWEVER the sun did come out briefly and i was able to snap a few pictures without fear of ruining my camera - and a few more folks came by!
enough with the chit-chat. let's get down to business:
the booth:
obviously i had the most elaborate setup out of anyone in the craft tent. thank you daddy - i know you wouldn't have it any other way :)
i was actually really blessed with the placement of the booth... other than the fact that it flooded. to my right was this couple from williamsburg (ron and mary louise). ron was a veteran (vietnam and desert storm) and he painted turkey feathers - they were beautiful! they kindof kept will and me sane. then to my left were the bee people - they made beeswax candles and had the tastiest honey!! they were older, and the man kept joking on me about using the drill to put together my setup (i think he was just intimidated). and then the ladies who were in charge of the craft tent were one booth over and they kept feeding us :) such a win.
enough talking. more pictures!!!
what's a county fair without heinously large portions of sweet tea? no county fair at all!
will and i drank one of these EACH. and i would've drank more if i didn't have to walk in the pouring rain to get it or use a porta potty.
if you know me, you know how much i love mason jars. i use them for decorating, organizing, canning, you name it. so of course they were integrated into my setup!! this was what folks put their names in for my drawing (a free sitting fee)
sunday (the shortest day, but also my favorite day) was wonderful once the clouds decided to break up. everyone was in muck boots and jackets, but we still managed to have a good time... especially this little one:

his name is ryan - and i can't thank ryan's mama enough for letting me snap these photos of him frolicking in the mud puddles (i know it's probably super creepy that i take pictures of other people's children, BUT I SWEAR I ASKED HER PERMISSION)

^ i think that's my favorite :) ^

pure happiness :)
all in all it was a pretty phenomenal weekend. thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth, entered the drawing, took a card, or talked photography. can't wait to hear from ya'll!

the end :)
just kiddin. last one i swear:

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