during my move to the eastern shore, things got a little crazy.
i was trying to keep my clients back across the bay happy
plus working on starting my business on the shore.
i had a terrible time keeping up with where i was with which client
in the editing/proofing/ordering/shipping process
while still doing all of the 'business-y' things.
i've heard of many photographers using a spreadsheet to keep up with their to-dos
so i tried it!

keep in mind: i was an english major.
numbers are not my friend.
and i still use my fingers to add/subtract small numbers.
so spreadsheets terrify me :)
(because i associate them with math)
despite my affinity for paragraphs instead of excel cells,
i was pleasantly surprised by how well the spreadsheet worked
for keeping up with client information!
but it fell short when it came to my 'business to-do's
so i had to figure something else out.
i use to keep lists. everywhere. about everything.
any scrap of paper i could find would have some sort of list on it:
grocery list
things to pack on my next trip list
upcoming meetings list
favorite quotes list
running tally of the number of times my history professor said 'umm'
you get the picture.
but i would lose them.
so keeping a 'business to-do' list was out of the question.
i needed something that was tangible, easily accessible,
and worked for me.
enter: office supplies.
i <3 office supplies.
especially post-it notes.
the little ones?! GAH!
i am ALWAYS at my computer. i probably spend 10x as much time
in front of the computer as i do behind the camera
(sad, but true)
but that's what makes this system WORK.
each post-it has a 'business task' that needs to be done
most of them have blog ideas that i'll use as
'filler post' when i don't have a session to blog!
but they're also things like 'pay taxes' 'website design' 'new proofing site'
read 'sales without shame' 'order strap' etc.
since i'm always at my desk, i see these little reminders constantly!
i get so much satisfaction throwing them away as they're done :)
with an eastern shore beauty - and i need you to weigh in on which edit you
prefer of the image (black and white, or color!!)