it seems like everyone has some sort of alliterative weekly blogpost and i've been feeling MAJORLY left out. much to my disdain all of the good alliterations seem to have been stolen away before i could jump on the bandwagon (wedding wednesday, things i love thursday, mixed tape monday... the list goes on)
SO. i'm stepping outside of the box and MAKING UP MY OWN WORD. mostly because that's what mama told me to do when i was little and no one would let me play the games they were engrossed in on the playground. i can hear her plain as day: "if they won't let you play with them you should just make up your own game sweetie!" unfortunately that usually just meant me, sitting on the grass, shoes off, eating dirt and talking with my pre-school's resident lab, shadow... [although i'm sure you loved that little insight into my not-so-long-ago childhood, i digress]
BACK TO MY NEW (hopefully) WEEKLY BLOGPOST: i've recently become ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with pintrest - as is half of kingdom come. i've already planned about a bajillion styled shoots, categorized every possible facet of the wedding day, constructed an entire board devoted solely to women who are skinnier than i'll ever be and compiled a list of food i will more than likely never take the time to make. BUT IT IS SO MIND BLOWING-LY AWESOME.
long story short:
i wanted to start some sort of 'themed' post
all of the cool titles were gone
my most recent love for YET ANOTHER social media site
the creation of a new installment on the caitlinelizabethphotography blog
PINday will consist of taking something crafty from pintrest and seeing if it can REALLY be done or if it should continue to sit on your wittily named crafting pin-board
i'm totally open to SUGGESTIONS - tell me what you want me to craft!
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