Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the warthans | family farm photographer

i was in a funk.  i found myself constantly looking at other photographer's work and thinking 'i can take pictures like that - why are THEY so busy and why am i just sitting on my butt?!'  but before i could feel sorry  for myself too long mama reminded me that i had two options: hush up or do something about it.

so i emailed jennifer of warthan farms photography.

the subject line: photo-staking, inspiration-seeking, small-business-owner-newbie (aka caitlin)
i was craving someone to talk with who knew what f-stops were and jennifer's work was awe-inspiring.  my email gushed about how much i loved her images and that i just wanted to meet her - whether that meant carrying her bags or doing her dishes, i craved the physical presence of someone whose photography i admired and whose lips i could lend an ear.

i showed up to her house with a mason jar of flowers and bread-and-butter pickles. a naked MK opened the door and her husband offered me a beer. 

i was smitten.

i can't thank jennifer enough for taking me under her wing that day; showing me photoshop tricks and assuring me that what i felt about photography/life/business was completely normal.  

but that night, in her farmhouse office, i fell in love. 
her family is like none other - they're real. they're inspiring
as i was driving down their dirt driveway, tail lights shining on the well-used tricycle in the front yard, i called will to say: i just want to be friends with her in real life.

and friends we are :) i had the HONOR of photographing jennifer and her beautiful family this weekend. 
i am IN LOVE with their love.  and their lives.  and their babies. so getting to photograph them was like a dream come true. 

welcome to the farm :)

meet jennifer and keith - aren't they precious?!

 we had a coca-cola and hershey's kisses picnic :)

sweet avery ruth - i just love this little cutie pie :)

this one might be my favorite as far as light goes :) and i love how a.r. is looking right at me - and the expression on shelby's face!

maggie is smiling!!!!


daddy and avery ruth time:

i have a thing for gingers.

these folks are the real deal ya'll: 

i WISH i could remember the witty retort keith had when jennifer suggested they get in the kissing booth - he's funny ya'll!

again: inLOVE with their love

 have to get some with the big red barn!

maggie's glasses were so stylish!!

thanks for stoppin by ya'll - show them some love on their facebook photos


  1. Love these! She has been my friend for 20+ years now and all I can tell you is that you have stumbled upon a wonderful friend:)

  2. I love all of them so much. Thank you for being so wonderful!

  3. They are awesome!!!! Looks like a beautiful day for a session!

  4. This made me fall in love with them all over again. And miss them more than usual. You did a wonderful job! :)

  5. FABULOUS!!!! Such a fun family that you captured just beautifully! I think my favorite is the black and white with Jennifer and daughter hugging and laughing! And way to go YOU for taking a step out, asking a question, and getting richly blessed for reward! Courageous!

  6. The pictures really show what a fun-loving, caring family they are - great job! I've been in touch with Jennifer through her blog, and later, Facebook, for about 5 years now, and feel like she's an old friend. Someday I hope to meet her, too!

  7. These are phenomenal! You are amazing, which one of you is going to take me under you wing! Your story is much like my own...I just need someone in the "know!"

  8. Wow!! You are a spectacular student! You capture them exactly! Maggie looks just like her Grandma in these photos!! Wonderful, awesome.... They all mean the absolute world to us!! They should be the Valentines of the year!!

  9. Oh you are so lucky to have a friend to take you under their wing. Lovely images and you did great to get off your butt!!!!
