Tuesday, January 3, 2012

[the goods] albums

i know it's already the 3rd and i haven't even blogged a 'new-years-y' post (you know, the one where i say i'm going to blog 12 days a week and loose 50 lbs...) but i've been DYING to share my first venture into album design.

almost everyone i stalk religiously orders from leather craftsmen (i mean, if it's good enough for katelyn james, jasmine star and abby grace, it's probably way too good for me - but hey, a girl can dream).  so when a father-of-the-bride inquired about an album as a christmas gift i was elated!

and then i realized i was going to have to design an album.

i am by NO MEANS a graphic designer.  and the whole process of designing/ordering those beautiful leather bound albums that i've seen so many of my favorite photographers blog about seemed overwhelming and intimidating.  to the point where i almost broke down into tears. several times. at just the THOUGHT of starting...

but then i put my big girl panties on and figured it out.

thankfully my MORE THAN FABULOUS friends at photojunction and leather craftsmen were SUPER understanding and incredibly helpful (thank you dawn from the LC east coast headquarters, i know my southern accent was somewhat of a language barrier, but you conceded that my pronunciation of '5' - while confusing - is endearing).  photogs: one thing you absolutely cannot skimp on when it comes to finding vendors/products that you like is customer service, and these folks have it ya'll!!

so. this is me. sharing my leather craftsmen obsession with the world.  and let me tell you, they didn't disappoint.  brides and grooms: these albums are an investment, a beautiful way to showcase a day that will forever be remembered as the day that 'you' and 'he' became 'we' - it's worth it, trust me.

first up: what i saw when i unwrapped this gorgeousness from 4 layers of bubble wrap - they don't mess around ;)

and here it is :) in all its glory!!  

the pages are thick, which is AWESOME because it ensures their durability.

quality craftsmanship

and then i packaged it up with some caitlin elizabeth photography flair (handwritten notes are essential - more on that later)


  1. These are beautiful but I must say I love your flair above all!

  2. HEY! I want to see some of those spreads! Peekchurs?

    I can't say enough good about Leather Craftsmen- they are SO awesome! And there's nothing like holding a leather-bound book of your own work. Mmm. PS- thanks for the shout out :)
