Tuesday, July 10, 2012

caitlin elizabeth photography | packaging

i'm getting ready to ship out a print order today
(have i mentioned how much i LOVE prints?!)
and i thought i'd share how i choose to package some of my products!

i make my own packaging (and if i can do it - anyone can.)
which makes it SUPER affordable to have interesting packaging without breaking the bank.

there are three 'parts' to the way i choose to present clients with their prints:
the burlap 'slip cover,' the muslin wrap around their prints, and a handwritten note! 

i have a soft spot in my heart for texture. colors can get my heart all aflutter too,
but textures... they get me every time.
i love the rougher burlap paired with lace (which i found in my grandmother's basement -
thanks grandmama!), it gives it a more delicate feel.  then the note with twine
holding it together and the wrinkled craft paper... gah! 

the stitching is a labor of love
well, not really, it only takes me a few minutes with a sewing maching,
but it's so worth it! i paired a lighter thread with the burlap because
i didn't want it to blend in. i wanted to SEE the stitching :) 

 a side note concerning this AWESOME CHEST
i found it at a thrift store and i am enamored with it :)

here it is! all ready to go :)

choosing prints from your session is a BIG DEAL. 
they're art to go in your home! 
and i know my clients mull over which ones they want very carefully
so when they receive them, it should be an adventure
and packaging is part of that!!

and just like i promised - here's another preview of something that will be on the new website!!


  1. Love it!!! I love handmade stuff! I also make most of my packaging for the time being! Sadly I may not be making as much next year...:(

  2. LOVE this!!! You've inspired me today!!! :D

  3. thank you for your lovely comment! made me smile. :)
    these are so cute – I love the textures (too)!
